Ethical Standards

To foster the ideals of the legal profession, we believe in delivering optimum service to our clients combined by continuous update on legal developments with due respect for the courts and regulatory bodies.

On top of the Code of Conduct for Legal Practitioners, 1994 approved by the Nepal Bar Council, our lawyers and advocates are abided by the International Principles of Legal Profession as set by International Bar Association (IBA). Following are the international principles of legal profession as set by IBA to which JNLA expresses its sincere adherence:


We shall maintain independence and be afforded the protection such independence offers in giving clients unbiased advice and representation. Our lawyers shall exercise independent, unbiased professional judgment in advising a client, including as to the likelihood of success of the client’s case.

Honesty, Integrity and Fairness

We shall at all times maintain the highest standards of honesty, integrity and fairness towards the clients, the court, colleagues and all those with whom the lawyer comes into professional contact.

Conflicts of Interest

Our lawyers shall not assume a position in which a client’s interests conflict with those of the lawyer, another lawyer in the same firm, or another client, unless otherwise permitted by law, applicable rules of professional conduct, or, if permitted, by client’s authorisation.

Confidentiality/Professional Secrecy

Our lawyers shall at all times maintain and be afforded protection of confidentiality regarding the affairs of present or former clients, unless otherwise allowed or required by law and/or applicable rules of professional conduct.

Clients’ Interest

Our lawyers shall treat client interests as paramount, subject always to there being no conflict with the lawyer’s duties to the court and the interests of justice, to observe the law, and to maintain ethical standards.

Lawyers’ Undertaking

We shall honour any undertaking given in the course of the lawyer’s practice in a timely manner, until the undertaking is performed, released or excused.

Clients’ Freedom

Our lawyer shall respect the freedom of clients to be represented by the lawyer of their choice. Unless prevented by professional conduct rules or by law, we shall be free to take on or reject a case.

Property of Clients and Third Parties

Our lawyers shall account promptly and faithfully for and prudently hold any property of clients or third parties that comes into the lawyer’s trust, and shall keep it separate from the lawyer’s own property.


Within our team, a lawyer’s work shall be carried out in a competent and timely manner. Our lawyer shall not take on work that the lawyer does not reasonably believe can be carried out in that manner.


Our lawyers are entitled to a reasonable fee for their work, and shall not charge an unreasonable fee. A lawyer shall not generate unnecessary work.